
Showing posts from 2023

Cut segment of our Halloween video + some extra insight on how and why I made it

Hi everyone it's me Owen for the first time on this blog I don't know how blogs work I'm so sorry. So the following was written by me before I really understood what Atobibas wanted for the video. I was just kind of going crazy with the 'analysis' and it ended up being too long and strange. We settled with a shortened version that cut out most if not all of the fun insane stuff, but fit better in the context of our list. BUT we couldn't let it go to waste! It was just TOO INTERESTING (atobibas words not mine). Originally he said I should do a second channel video about it, but I really didn't feel like it so hey, I'm just copying the thing onto the dead blog for the few people who are interested. Hope you have fun reading my silly little text in which I make up so much bullsh*t that the comic starts to sound like some kind of incredible psychological metaphorical horror masterpiece. Mickey Mouse and the old “Typington” (Owen) by Enrico Faccini is a stor

Ducks 'N Mice Summer Update!

 Hello it's me, Atobibas and Ducks 'N Mice does, despite the absolute lack of new videos for the past five months, very much still exist. We've just been on a very extended hiatus. But now we're back, at least as much as we try to be. And we've got some things planned for this summer (or at least for the next month or maybe two) so let me tell you about that! First we're working on getting some shorts out every now and again. A couple of news one were just uploaded by Pernat earlier today. In general you'll see Pernat a lot here Secondly we have a new second channel. This will be for more random stuff, mainly around different publications instead of stories. Expect stuff like overviews and maybe even reviews. Pernat has again been quick and published the first video there, be sure to check that out! We don't currently have any second channel videos or shorts in the works, but they're pretty quick to get done so expect the unexpected there! Thirdly we

Kafkaesque situations in Disney Comics

  Written by Pernat Probably most of you know, at least by hearsay, Franz Kafka (1883-1924).  A great Czech writer of Jewish origin, but writing in German. Some of you might have read his books such as The Trial or The Castle, in which so-called Kafkaesque situations occur every step of the way. However, fewer people know what these Kafkaesque situations are. This article will tell you all about this and also about how they infiltrated pop culture, more specifically, Disney Comics. What is a Kafkaesque situation? Kafka loved to write about the overgrown machinery of bureaucracy that makes life difficult for simple, honest citizens who just want to live a normal life. The flagship example of this is ''The Trial'', in which Joseph K. is arrested on unknown charges, and is not told for the rest of his life what he has actually been accused of. In another famous novel, ''The Castle'', we see the protagonist of the same name arrive in a village where life is

Top 10 Stories by William Van Horn

  DISCLAIMER: This article was, despite being written in as Atobibas, in fact written by the great Pernat (AKA Duckofan). Due to Pernat being unable to upload this article on his own account, I (Atobibas) did it on mine. Also note, that this article was originally written for Pernat's blog . Full credits can be found in the comments. William van Horn -  one of the best American creators of Disney comics, a man who raised several generations of cartoonists and screenwriters of duck stories, for me personally a definitely brilliant creator, known for the non-standard atmosphere of his works. In this article I will try to introduce you to the best stories created by him. Of course, it will be a subjective assessment, these are the best stories in my opinio n, but if you have a different opinion - write it in the comments, I'd love to know your opinions on this subject. In addition, I would like to point out that the list includes only comics published in Poland. I hope I have disp